The Prayer Time
t’s a new knowledge for me. I got it on the Islamic website belongs to the biggest Islamic organization in Indonesia: Nahdlatul Ulama (NU). This organization follows Shafii school in Fiqh (Islamic legal ruling) and follows Imam Abu Hasan al Ash’ari and Imam Abu Mansur al-Maturidi in the field of theology (Aqidah). What I write here is based on the teaching of Shafii school, not from others. If there are other Muslims who do not agree with this, I respect it.
It’s recommended to pray (Perform Salah) at the beginning of prayer time when it comes, but it’s permissible for you to pray quite late in case you have a strong desire to do it before the prayer time ended. Regarded to Fiqh, it’s permissible. But, my Fiqh teachers used to advise me to follow the teaching of Sufism (Tasawuf). They used to give advice that we must keep the balance between Fiqh and Tasawwuf. If we tend to focus on Fiqh, then we only think about what is allowed and what is not. But in Sufism, we need to take concern on everything we have done, we are doing, and everything we’re going to do. Do we benefit more love from Allah by doing it? The Sufi teachers teach us how to love Allah and Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and how to gain more love from Allah and our beloved Prophet (PBUH).
Back to the prayer time. Allah says in the Quran, Surah An Nisaa
When the prayers are over, remember Allah—whether you are standing, sitting, or lying down. But when you are secure, establish regular prayers. Indeed, performing prayers is a duty on the believers at the appointed times.
We must pray at the appointed times. But in Fiqh, we always have some interesting discussions. It’s normal to have different views on it. What is the appointed time? For example, 04:00 am – 05:30 am is the prayer time for Fajr Prayer. So, can we choose to pray a 04:05, or at 05:00, or at 05:25 am? It’s not a joke. But based on the Fiqh, the appointed time ends at 05:30. If all people directly follow one ayah like this, without the explanation of the Scholars (Ulama), it can be a big mistake. And it’s forbidden. Not all Muslims have the right to speak about Quran and Hadith. We who don’t have any education in this field, just follow Ulama (The Qualified individuals).
Based on the Fiqh in that NU website, it’s still considered as Ada’. What is Ada’? The prayers performed at the appointed time are Ada’ prayers, and the prayers performed out of the appointed time are Qadha Prayers. Are both acceptable? Muslims are allowed to perform Qadha Prayers in a certain condition. On the occasion that they don’t intend to skip the prayer, for example, because he is so tired, then fall asleep and get up when the prayer times end. So he can perform the qadha prayer.
If someone finished one raka’ah at the appointed times and the rests are out of the appointed time. For example, someone prays Fajr begins at 05:26, the first rakaah finishes at 05:29 am. Then the second raka’ah is out of the appointed time. Is it Ada’ or Qadha prayer? It’s explained in the book written by Syekh Zainuddin Al-Maliabari: Fath al-Mu’in, chapter1, page 140, this prayer’s still considered as Adha’ prayer but the one who does it is sinful because he doesn’t complete the prayer at the appointed time.
We pray, we wish Allah make it easy for us to pray at the beginning at the appointed time. May Allah help us to do it.
Resource: NU Online
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